Official Trailer: Commando 2
“Commando 2” is a sequel to “Commando” which released in 2013 and which introduced the new action star Vidyut Jamwal. Though “Commando” was not a huge success both critically and box office wise but Vidyut […]
“Commando 2” is a sequel to “Commando” which released in 2013 and which introduced the new action star Vidyut Jamwal. Though “Commando” was not a huge success both critically and box office wise but Vidyut […]
Hansee To Phasee: A different take on Bollywood’s quintessential Love story What happens when Karan Johar (Dharma Productions) and Anurag Kashyap (Phantom Productions) come together?…..One production which produces larger than life Bollywood saga and another […]